Online Website Dedicated to Some of the Women of the 1960s: The Lost Treasures
* Valentyn Moroz, Report from the Beria Reserve (1974)
* Benjamin Tromly, "An Unlikely National Revival: Soviet Higher Learning and the Ukrainian 'Sixtiers', 1953-65" in The Russian Review (2009)
* Marko Pavlyshyn, "Martyrology and Literary Scholarship: The Case of Vasyl Stus" in The Slavic and East European Journal (2010)
* Michael M. Naydan & Lina Kostenko, "Floating Flowers: The Poetry of Lina Kostenko" in Ulbandus Review (1977)
* George S.N. Luckyj, "The Ukrainian Literary Scene Today" in Slavic Review (1972)
* Valentyna Kryvenchu, "Modernisti Idejno-Estetychni Pozytsii S. Sumytkoho v Konteksti Shistdesiatnytstva" in Synopsis: Text, Context, Media (2019)
* Giovanna Bercoff, Marko Pavlyshyn, Serhii Plokhy (eds)., Ukraine and Europe: Cultural Encounters and Negotiations (2017)
* "Shistdesiatnyky" in Encyclopedia of Ukraine