Tourist Information: Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Village (195041 Highway 16 East, Lamont County, AB, Canada)
Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (2012)
Stanislav Kulchytskyi, Marta Olynyk & Andrij Wynnyckyj, "The Holodomor and Its Consequences in the Ukrainian Countryside" in Harvard Ukrainian Studies (2008)
Kimiataka Matsuzato, "The Issue of Zemstvos in Right Bank Ukraine 1864-1906. Russian Anti-Polonism under the Challenges of Modernization" in Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas (2003)
Richard Pipes, "Private Property Comes to Russia: The Reign of Catherine II" in Harvard Ukrainian Studies (1998)
"Peasants" in Encyclopedia of Ukraine Online
I.B. Avtushenko & Y.O. Kuznetsova, "Transformatsia Mentalnosti Ukrainskoho Selianstva na Pchatku XX st." in Istoryia Ukrainy (2021)
Yaroslav Platmir, "Ukrainian Peasantry of Naddniprianschyna at the End of the Nineteenth-First Decades of the Twentieth Century in Russian National Discourse" in European Philosophical and Historical Discourse (2020)
V. V. Masnenko, Peasantry as the Main Military Force During Ukrainian Revolution Period 1917-1921
Various Articles in the Ukrainskyj Selianyn journal