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Here are some helpful links to websites that you can donate to in support of various Ukrainian organizations who help the veterans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, active soldiers, their families and orphans in Ukraine with humanitarian and psychological aid.
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Happy Wanderings!

Please check out the following sites, and if you wish to donate, do so.
They are all helping out front-line soldiers, their families, the refugees, orphans and disabled children in Ukraine.
Hero’s Companion is a Canadian-Ukrainian not-for-profit project which aims to harness the power of the human-canine bond to help heal veterans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Ukrainian volunteer battalions who continue to struggle with PTSD and other invisible injuries inflicted by time spent in combat operations. They also work closely with children with disabilities to give them an opportunity to socially and physically engage with the environment around them.
Help Us Help the Children provide the tools and training that allow disadvantaged children to realize their dreams; that allow war-torn families to live their lives free of scars; that afford war-affected soldiers the opportunity to again become fully contributing members of society. Their camps for disadvantaged children and rehabilitation sessions for war-affected families and soldiers are run jointly by Canadians and Ukrainians to allow the bilateral transfer of skills, knowledge, and experience, and to strengthen the historical bonds between the two nations.
The purpose of the FUDF Fund is to provide humanitarian assistance to the servicemen and women of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are protecting the Ukrainian State from aggression including defensive body armour, medical supplies, hygiene products, non-combat vehicles, spiritual materials, electronic devises.
Guardian Angel’s mission is to support the medical treatment, rehabilitation, and social integration of Ukraine's wounded soldiers and victims of the Euromaidan attacks. This includes strengthening physical and psychological rehabilitation services, assisting amputees, facilitate educational reforms and curriculum development, combat PTSD and support social integration.​​
Revived Soldiers Ukraine (RSU) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid to the people of Ukraine so that they may fulfill fundamental rights and freedoms such as right to life, right to appropriate and affordable medical care, freedom of belief and freedom for an adequate standard of living. RSU mission is to provide medical aid and sustainable living standards to soldiers of Ukraine and members of their families as well as to those people who suffered and were affected by military conflict in ATO zone (anti-terrorist operation in Eastern Ukraine).
Patriot Defense has set itself the goal of providing Ukrainian soldiers with a life saving first aid course and improved individual first aid kits. Patriot Defense's instructors have been certified according to international medical standards for professional training based on evidence-based medicine and guided by the international protocols of the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care. Thus, Ukrainian fighters receive the same level of training as the military in the United States, Canada, Britain or other NATO member countries .
Veteran Hub's platform was created to centralize services for veterans, security agencies personnel, their families, and to help them integrate into civilian life. This is a space for NGOs working with veteran affairs that serves both as an administrative center providing psycho-social services, and as a platform for education events. Veteran Hub's clients are veterans, military personnel, cadets, police officers, emergency response workers, their family members, ex-POWs and their families, as well as family members of MIAs, captives and the fallen.